Friday, August 30, 2002

Ban Interstate Shipment of Big Cats and Bears as Pets
In July 2002, Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.-7th) introduced H.R. 5226, the Captive Wildlife Safety Act, to ban interstate commerce of lions, tigers, leopards, cougars, and bears for the pet trade. H.R. 5226 will help curtail the practice of keeping these large, dangerous animals as “pets” by private owners. More often than not, owners are unequipped to deal with the demands of caring for them, and the animals typically end up neglected and suffering terribly. Many states have laws prohibiting the private ownership of large, exotic animals as pets, but no such federal law currently exists. As a result, the wild exotic pet trade is burgeoning at an alarming rate; an estimated 5,000 tigers are currently in private hands in the U.S., more than are thought to exist in the wild. As these numbers grow, so will the risks of related injuries and deaths—both human and animal.

Please call:
Sen. Chuck Hagel at (202) 224-4224
Sen. Ben Nelson at (202) 224-6551
Rep. Doug Bereuter at (202) 225-4806

Ask to speak with the staffer who deals with animal legislation. If he or she is not available, please leave a detailed and polite message.